1. Spleen (LXXVI) I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old.A big piece of furniture, a[…]
Kaiser Haq’s use of wit and humour in Ode On The Lungi and other poems
Kaiser Haq is a jolly writer with extraordinary sense of humour and wit. His intention isn’t simply to amuse individuals,[…]
Thomas Hardy as a Novelist and a Brief Essay on His Novels.
Thomas Hardy As A Novelist and his Novels. Thomas Hardy stands out triumphantly among the English novelists. As a novelist,[…]
Evaluate Emily Bronte as a Novelist and Analysis of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights
Evaluate Emily Bronte as a novelist with reference to Wuthering Heights. Of Emily Brontë‘s Wuthering Height, David Cecil has a[…]
Evaluate Charles Dickens as a Novelist | Analysis of Dickens’s Novels
Charles Dickens as a novelist As a novelist, Dickens stands out without a parallel in English literature. He is certainly[…]
Short note on Lord Alfred Tennyson and ‘In Memoriam’
Lord Alfred Tennyson Lord Alfred Tennyson was the sixth of the twelve children of a troubled family. His education started[…]
Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s greatest works and assessment of her importance as a novelist.
Virginia Woolf‘s greatest works and assessment of her importance as a novelist. In the twentieth century, the oblique method of[…]
Matthew Arnold as a poet | The literary criticism of Matthew Arnold’s Poetry
Discussion and assessment of Matthew Arnold as a poet. The poetry and prose of Mathew Arnold represent in time, tone[…]
How to Read Poetry? A Guide to Understand and Analysis Poetry.
How to Read Poetry? What is the meaning of poetry? Ours is an age of literary theories. The overflow of[…]
Tagore at Oxford by Hasan Shahid Suhrawardy | Complete Text
‘Tagore at Oxford’ by Hasan Shahid Suhrawardy was published in the Tagore Memorial Special Supplement of The Calcutta Municipal Gazette[…]
Short Questions with Answers from ‘I Have a Dream’ by Martin Luther King Jr.
Here We Have Important Short Questions And Answers From “I Have A Dream”. Some of the most important short questions[…]